Durable Goods and Guarantee


A year ago we found a new material that beats everything else in terms of durability. Curv composite is the most durable material which has ever been used in manufacturing harnesses. Next to its advantage of lasting forever, Curv material is 100% polypropylene and 100% recyclable. Curv Composite can be manufactured entirely without the use of any toxic resin. That’s why we produce less and less from Carbon composite because the production is extremely complex and only works with toxic resins which is not only harmful for the environment, but also for the workers in the factory halls.


Not only for this reason we try to extend the use of the Curv material further to our Harness range, and even to other product groups. The properties of the material just also work perfectly for parts of bags to make them more durable and stable for many hours of traveling and never-ending journeys.

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