Ion Water Young Blood LP Header

Young Blood


In ION crediamo che i limiti siano definiti principalmente dalle capacità e dalla passione di un individuo. Il vento e il tempo sono ostacoli che possiamo superare. Pertanto, vogliamo fornirti l’equipaggiamento che ti consente di individuare e superare i tuoi limiti. Vogliamo supportarti nella realizzazione dei tuoi sogni e desideri sull’acqua, in discesa e in aria. Tuttavia quando la salute del pianeta è in pericolo, dobbiamo confrontarci con altri limiti insormontabili. Crediamo che la nostra missione sia contrastare tutto questo cercando di mantenere i mari e l’aria puliti e il pianeta terra in salute.

Ion Water Young Blood LP_What are YB camps


  • Special camps for the next generation​

  • Kids & teens from 7 to 17 years ​

  • Educated coaches together with team riders​

  • 1-to-3-day camps ​

  • Own equipment recommended ​

  • The latest gear to test from DUOTONE & ION​

  • Registration run through organizers​

For further details please check with the organizer as the number of participants, costs, and accommodation depend on the different locations.

Join us!
Stay tuned for the schedule in 2024.

All news and information will be announced here.

  • The Young Blood Wakeboard Camp in France will take place on the 17th of August 2024. Further informations will be announced here.

  • The Young Blood Wakeboard Camp Italy will take place in August.

  • The Young Blood Surf Camp in France has been postponed to October. All participants who qualified for the camp via the Instagram challenge will still retain their spots.

    The whole crew is looking forward to seeing you at the camp!

  • The Young Blood Surf Camp Spain will take place in October.

Young Blood Camp Schedule 2024

wakeboard ion water young blood camp 24


The Young blood Wakeboard Camp will take place on the 17th of August 2024. Further information will be announced here
The Young Blood Wakeboard Camp will take place on the 17th of August 2024. Further information will be announced here
ion water wake camp 2023 young blood action


The Young Blood Wakeboard Camp Italy will take place in August.
The Young Blood Wakeboard Camp Italy will take place in August.
Surf Camp Spain 2024 Young Blood ion water


The Young Blood Surf Camp Spain will take place in October.
The Young Blood Surf Camp Spain will take place in October.
ion water young blood camp surf


The Young Blood Surf Camp in France has been postponed to October. All participants who qualified for the camp via the Instagram challenge will still retain their spots. The whole crew is looking forward to seeing you at the camp!
The Young Blood Surf Camp in France has been postponed to October. All participants who qualified for the camp via the Instagram challenge will still retain their spots. The whole crew is looking forward to seeing you at the camp!


Surf Camp Italy 2024 Young Blood Sicily ion water

Surf Camp

Right when the waiting period was almost over and hope was running out, green light for the first Italian Young Blood Camp for Surfing in Sardinia, offered by ION to seek for young talent in the sport in Italy.
Right when the waiting period was almost over and hope was running out, green light for the first Italian Young Blood Camp for Surfing in Sardinia, offered by ION to seek for young talent in the sport in Italy.
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Wakeboard Camp

The first Wakeboard Young Blood camp ever. Hosted in the majestic French Alps, 14 motivated groms got taught by the pros and spent their day of their season.
The first Wakeboard Young Blood camp ever. Hosted in the majestic French Alps, 14 motivated groms got taught by the pros and spent their day of their season.
ion water Kite YB camp_container

Kite Camp

Hosted at the GKA World tour stop of Port Barcares, France. The groms had the world-class spot to themselves. ​
Hosted at the GKA World tour stop of Port Barcares, France. The groms had the world-class spot to themselves. ​

Save our Playgrounds

It’s very important to us to continue to spread the message to the next generation of athletes about how important it is to protect our “playgrounds” and the individual actions that can collectively make a big impact. As part of the new Young Bloods project, we will incorporate various sustainability initiatives like beach clean-ups and will communicate our shared goals to reduce our carbon footprint as well as limit the single use of raw materials. We invite this next generation of athletes to join us in learning how to be a friend to our environment and become the next stewards of our beloved playgrounds.

The perfect products for Kids & Youth!

A very important part of the safe usage of sports equipment is the right equipment. That’s why we’re constantly developing our youth range, offering special products that are lighter, shorter, and simply easier to use with more performance for groms.